Sunday, October 5, 2008

There are sevral reasons for choosing academic English courses.

First of all i want to learn how to write a good essay in English. For example, i want to learn the writing skills and the grammer. second reason is that i want to study in a university here in Canada, so i need to learn how to write an academic writing for the university. for instans, if the professor asked me to write a research pepear i could do it easily without thinking too much about the grammer and the using of vocabulary.third, i have read many stories and articals in English and the writers were great, so they inspired me to learn how to write fact, everybody has to decide which coureses he is intrested in. however, i think i am taking the right course for me and I hope this couse will improve my writing skills.



This is my blog. I just do it because my writting teacher asked me to do it :) . I dont know why the people use it if they dont have to :) ...

Please if you know what is it used for tell me. I am waiting for your answer...

this blog is just for my teacher and my classmates until i find out what is it used for...

thank you for reading my blog ;)